Why your triggers are a gift

You know when you are triggered. That slow creep of tension cloaks your body, grabs at your insides, and whoosh, sends that rage out sideways.  Maybe you're a yeller or a stomp-out-of-the-roomer.  You've heard about deep breathing, self-care, asking for help, and other beautiful strategies for preventing and managing triggers.  Once the trigger state is over, you may call a friend to vent or do some online shopping to calm down. 

What if, in addition to those tools to manage the moment, you also looked at your triggers as a gift?  Triggers are unconscious beliefs that are served up on a silver platter for you to get to know and examine.  They often run our lives without our awareness.  When we experience triggers, we have an opportunity to heal them. 

This article was published in the May 2024 issue of Today’s Family magazine. Click here to read the full article.

Rebecca Fellenbaum is a certified life coach, intuitive guide, blogger (yep, you’re reading it right now), and entrepreneur. She helps women who have “made it” on the outside feel great about themselves on the inside so they can find joy in their lives, kids, and families. Get her free guide: Slowing Down: 9 Steps to Live With Intention to start meaning it when you say you’re doing fine.

Rebecca Fellenbaum

Hi, I’m Rebecca Fellenbaum. I am a certified life coach, intuitive guide, entrepreneur, and Cleveland, Ohio area mom. As a coach, I help moms who have “made it” on the outside feel great about themselves on the inside so they can find joy in their lives, kids, and families.


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