About Rebecca
I’m glad you are here. I’m here to help you on your journey of self-discovery.
I’ve been there. When I had my daughter in 2012, I read parenting books and blogs, listened to all the gurus, joined mom groups on Facebook, followed influencers on Instagram, and took advice from countless family and friends.
I found early motherhood challenging, but instead of questioning it, I followed all of the expert advice. There I was doing all the things they advised, yet I found it really difficult. I felt disconnected from myself, which made it hard for me to fully enjoy my daughter and husband.
I allowed those experts to be the voices in my head as I raised my daughter and welcomed my son in 2014.
When my kids triggered me (which was often), I blamed myself. I covered up my negative self-talk by presenting myself as the perfect mom – fit, healthy, keeping a nice home, doing all the right things for my kids, staying on top of my career, being a loving wife, daughter, and friend.
It was exhausting. I wasn’t true to myself. I had lost myself. There wasn’t really space for me in that scene.
Here I was, doing all the things I thought I should be doing, and yet I felt like I didn’t know myself. I didn’t see my authentic self in the life I had created.
When COVID hit in 2020, I turned inward as I faced months at home with my husband and kids. I found myself crying in my bedroom and thought, “I cannot go on like this. There has to be another way.”
I found The Adult Chair® podcast and listened to the teachings of self-love and living from your higher self. They resonated immediately. As I internalized the ideas of listening to my intuition and feeling my emotions, the voices in my head changed from being outside experts to tuning into my own voice. I learned to respond, not react. I met my inner child and allowed her to come out and have fun. I started to work on myself and saw my relationships improve as my perspective changed.
Now, as a Certified Adult Chair® Coach, I help people like you find their inner voice and live from their true, authentic selves. I’ve been there, and I’ve seen how we can change and learn to enjoy our lives. I’m here to help you make the changes you need to love yourself so you can care for yourself and those you love.
Using personalized and empowering coaching tools, I am here to guide you to trust yourself and listen to your intuition so that you can show up as your best self and truly enjoy your life.
Are you ready?
Want to make sure this is the right next step for you?
I’d love to get to know you! Choose a time using the calendar below to book a free introductory 45-minute session. Together we’ll see if coaching is for you and if we’re a good fit.
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