Life coaching may be the best next choice you make

There is the accepted definition of life coaching: “a person who counsels and encourages clients on matters having to do with careers or personal challenges.” (Oxford Languages Dictionary)

As a Certified Adult Chair® Coach, I have been trained in a specific - and extremely powerful - model of life coaching. So many clients tell me this is deeper, more profound work than they expected to do. And my response is that the universe brought us together at this point and time because this is exactly where they need to be.

One of my clients came to me to work through some business decisions. During our first session, I asked her to lay it all out there. From the beginning  it was apparent that she was being held back by younger, wounded parts and aspects of her past that needed healing so she can thrive in the present day. That is where the work was. Today she is thriving in her relationships and clear on the importance of taking care of herself so she can pull from a full bucket. The original issue about making business decisions has come easily now that she is clear headed and functioning from her conscious adult self.

I am an intuitive guide. As I sit with a client, I open myself up to the flow of the universe and allow the universal healing energy to flow through me. That is this life coaching. I ask unwinding questions that come through my own intuition. I have no agenda. No judgment. I create and hold a safe space for my clients. In this space, they can find healing. 

A lot of people come to life coaching because they feel stuck on a certain aspect of their lives - career, relationships, making a big decision - and they think, okay a coach will help me figure this out. It is true, I am focused on helping you live your best life from a present moment sense of awareness. We don’t sidestep what needs to get done for you to tap into your highest self. That is the work we do together. 

You are in the right place.

Let that sink in. If you are reading this, you are meant to be here. You have come to this page for a reason. It’s time to open yourself up to the possibility that coaching is the right next step for you. And if you are here on this webpage at this moment, it’s time to take that next step. Whether it’s booking a consultation call with me or choosing another life coach from the many fantastic coaches out there, take a deep breath and ask yourself, what is my next step on this illuminated path of life?

Rebecca Fellenbaum is a certified life coach, intuitive guide, blogger (yep, you’re reading it right now), and entrepreneur. She helps women who have “made it” on the outside feel great about themselves on the inside so they can find joy in their lives, kids, and families. Get her free guide: Slowing Down: 9 Steps to Live With Intention to start meaning it when you say you’re doing fine.

Rebecca Fellenbaum

Hi, I’m Rebecca Fellenbaum. I am a certified life coach, intuitive guide, entrepreneur, and Cleveland, Ohio area mom. As a coach, I help moms who have “made it” on the outside feel great about themselves on the inside so they can find joy in their lives, kids, and families.

The “Authentic Self”