The courage to listen

At the Certified Adult Chair Coach training retreat at Evans Mill, TN in May. Selfie by: Me :)

It is not the courage to go forth that I need. It is the courage to listen to the parts of me that are scared, the naysayers, the old programming. When I listen to and connect with those inner voices, that is when I become unstoppable. It takes a lot of courage. 

I tell myself, from my grounded, adult self that I am here to listen to you fear, doubt, disbelief, younger versions of myself that are stuck in hard times, confusion, and disillusionment. Darkness, I see you. My soul will shine light on you as we meet. I take the time to tell you I love you and thank you. For I am grateful. You served your purpose with grace, beauty, and courage. But courage now is my job. I am courageous. I am aligned with my soul, my heart, my inner guides, my higher self, source, and the universal truth. It flows in me and therefore in you. Join me, dark parts. I call to you and tell you I love you and shine my soul’s light on you. Our soul. For you are part of me. We share this body, this human experience.

How did I find my purpose? I got quiet enough to meet my soul and see her light. I slowed down enough to hear my heart’s whispers and my intuition’s message. I am aligned enough to meet my higher self and connect with my guides, source, and the universal truth. That is how I found her, this purpose of mine. It is only through the stress, hard times, and rock bottom moments that I found the need to seek those things out. I found my purpose after living my life on autopilot for 40 years and getting to a point where there was no place to go but in. The screaming from inside was so loud that I couldn’t help but stop and listen. 

The actions, the steps I took to become a coach, the doing and work necessary to step into my new life as a Certified Adult Chair Coach, came naturally once I slowed down and followed my illuminated path. This was also a deeply personal journey, one that I share openly with my clients and community. Because I was courageous enough to listen to everything that was screaming at me from the inside, I know I can handle anything life brings me on the outside. With courage. 

Do you hear your heart’s whispers? Are there inner voices trying to get your attention? What would slowing down and listening be like for you? Take out pen and paper and write. It is amazing what your unconscious mind will reveal when you get quiet and listen. 

Rebecca Fellenbaum is a certified life coach, intuitive guide, blogger (yep, you’re reading it right now), and entrepreneur. She helps women who have “made it” on the outside feel great about themselves on the inside so they can find joy in their lives, kids, and families. Get her free guide: Slowing Down: 9 Steps to Live With Intention to start meaning it when you say you’re doing fine.

Rebecca Fellenbaum

Hi, I’m Rebecca Fellenbaum. I am a certified life coach, intuitive guide, entrepreneur, and Cleveland, Ohio area mom. As a coach, I help moms who have “made it” on the outside feel great about themselves on the inside so they can find joy in their lives, kids, and families.

BoldJourney feature: Meet Rebecca Fellenbaum


Why I adopted an “I get to” Attitude about Self-Care