Connect to Self: A Fridge Flyer
This simple flyer has six ideas of quick ways you can check in to connect to yourself. As someone who visits the fridge multiple times a day, and lives with three other people who open the fridge regularly, I thought it would be nice to have this reminder right there. Will I pause and breathe every time I reach for the milk? No, but these ways to connect to self are easy choices that don’t require much time or equipment. They are a gentle way of connecting with ourselves throughout the day.
I also have an image format if you prefer to put it on your screensaver, phone background, or anywhere else you regularly look when you might be feeling off-kilter.
Regrouping, grounding, and recentering throughout the day are great ways to remember we’re human and have a very human experience of life. Our connection to ourselves is one of the few (maybe the only) constants we have, and the more we get to know ourselves in these small ways, the more in tune we will be with ourselves, our world, and our lives.
As I say on the flyer, you are worthy and loved. Thank you for being here.